22nd European Forum on Eco-innovation: Closing the Loop – delivering circularity in the textiles sector
The European Commission DG Environment, with support of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Sustainability and Tourism, has the pleasure to invite you to the 22nd European Forum on Eco-innovation: Closing the Loop – delivering circularity in the textiles sector, which will be held on 7-8 May 2019 in Vienna, Austria, at Expedithalle Wien
Please follow this link in order to register and find more information about agenda and useful information: https://ec.europa.eu/info/events/22nd-european-forum-eco-innovation-circularity-textiles-sector-2019-may-07_en
You can directly access the registration form via the following link: http://ecoinnovation2019.teamwork.fr
Expedithalle Wien, Absberggasse 27, 1100 Wien